Air Emissions

One of the most common pollutants we have is air pollution, and this can be attributed to many industries. It’s heartbreaking to societies that polluted air causes long-term and serious health problems that result in a million deaths annually. Air pollution can cause significant damage to our nerves, liver, kidneys, and lungs, to name a few.

To combat the industries’ impact on air, governing bodies have assessed the risks, found out the causes, and adapted effective solutions. To ensure that these solutions stay in place, they’ve set requirements and regulatory policies.

However, these regulations and policies vary in different countries and localities, and global organizations find it challenging to meet them in their many establishments dotted around the globe. That’s where the Energy Managers and Auditors Alliance come in. 

We work as a team made up of associates who are experts in their countries. They are engineers and consultants who help businesses regulate their impact on air and comply with emission requirements. 

Our services are front to end. We help organizations assess their current situation by accurately documenting the impact of their emissions, measuring atmospheric emissions and ambient air. Then, we help create sustainable solutions that meet the government’s standards.

Afterward, we will assist in designing and launching the solutions that effectively reduce carbon footprint, securing permits, and complying with the reports requested by the government and all concerned parties.

Our experts can address air emission concerns at a local level and create regulatory practices that are easy to maintain to help both businesses and the environment.

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